The Zone of beneficiary is designed for people looking for the possibility of financing their own ideas, initiatives and the development of local infrastructure, as well as executing and clearing projects. In the zone of the beneficiary published information about current open calls in the framework of the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020 and the Operational Programme "Fisheries and Sea" for the years 2014-2020.




Carp Valley is an attractive tourist and natural area of seven municipalities in Malopolska, in the counties of Auschwitz and Wadowice. It includes municipalities: Brzeźnica, Osiek, Polanka Wielka, Przeciszów, Spytkowice, Tomice and Zator. Carp Valley covers the area of the historic basin carp and extends to hundreds of hectares in the valley of the Vistula and Skawa. This is an area of outstanding natural and cultural value, which is an ideal tourist destination. Everyone will find something for themselves - this is the ideal place for nature lovers, lovers of active tourism, as well as for those seeking peace and relaxation.

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